Monthly Archives: February 2018

2018 Let us set out again from our heart with our dream

Today is our first working day from CNY holiday of 2018

U-Polemag organized a special outdoor expand training on Feb.22,2018 for our sales team. Our team shows great combat effectiveness, side by side, for our common struggle for the goal.
In 2018, starting from heart, our team will keep our passion.

2018 is new beginning , let us set out again from our heart with our dream .We wish all customers and friends have a most happy and prosperous in the new year.


Annual Meeting of U-POLEMAG

Looking Ahead while Learning from the Past

U-POLEMAG held its annual meeting to review the past 2017 and look forward to 2018 on Feb 3. Starting from heart, U-POLEMAG will expand its sales team and emphasize more on R&D.






Annual Meeting of U-POLEMAG-U-Polemag